A slip and fall attorney to help you get back on your feet.
Accidents are bound to happen – wiping out on an icy sidewalk, taking a tumble down the stairs, or losing your footing on an unexpectedly wet floor. Hazardous property conditions can trip anyone up from time to time. However, when it comes to picking yourself back up and getting on the road to recovery, you don’t have to go it alone. An experienced slip and fall attorney will gladly answer any questions you might have, inform you of your rights, and help you recover any damages you may be entitled to.
These cases can be rather complicated, so you will likely have a number of questions for your slip and fall attorney. Below are a few of the most commonly asked ones, along with their corresponding answers.
What is a slip and fall accident?
A slip and fall accident occurs when you sustain an injury on someone else’s property due to hazardous conditions or faulty maintenance. Your slip and fall attorney will explain the legal concept of premises liability, which says property owners are liable for injuries that take place on their property.
How can I be certain the property owner is responsible for my incident? Could it be that I was simply too careless, or just in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Premises liability dictates that all property owners, whether it is a private home, business or rental property, are fully responsible for maintaining safe conditions on site. Of course, if you do happen to notice the hazardous condition responsible for your injury – poor lighting, falling objects, a damaged or missing handrail, a sidewalk or stairway not treated for ice or snow removal – it is a good idea to document this information. It will help your slip and fall attorney assess the value of your case and the likelihood of you collecting damages.
What are some of the other common causes of slip and fall incidents?
Damaged carpet or pavement can result in slip and fall incidents. The same can be said for any walking surface compromised by debris, foreign substances, exposed electrical wiring, unevenness or holes. Lawyers at the Tolbert Beadle law firm are experts in premises liability, and your slip and fall attorney will fight to make sure you receive the compensation you are entitled to.
In the event I am seriously injured in a slip and fall accident, who pays my medical bills or other damages?
Whether it is a home or business, all property owners are required to carry insurance to help absorb the cost associated with an accident. When you file a personal injury lawsuit stemming from a slip and fall incident, you are usually suing the insurance company, not the property owner. Of course, liability can get complicated when third parties are involved in the maintenance of a property, so it is wise to stay in close communication with your slip and fall attorney.
A Slip and Fall Attorney at Tolbert Beadle Can Help
Even when we take all the proper precautions, accidents can strike at any moment and the long-term consequences can be very serious. If you or a loved one has suffered a slip and fall injury, turn to the personal injury lawyers at Tolbert Beadle. Come with questions, leave with answers, and know that you don’t pay a dime until your slip and fall attorney wins your case.