If you’ve been injured on the job, a workers’ comp lawyer can help.
If you’ve been injured on the job, you’ve likely battled with this question. You may have questions that need answered, but you don’t want to spend the money on an attorney. We’ll answer some of your questions here (for free) so you can have peace of mind and make the best decision. At Tolbert Beadle, we advise that you opt to hire a workers’ comp lawyer, but we want to you know why. We’re in this line of business because people like you need help and need to know where to turn.
When You Need a Workers’ Comp Lawyer
When you end up injured or ill and your job is the cause, it can be a scary thing. Medical bills pile up and you know you shouldn’t have to pay it, but you’re scared of what would happen if you try to get your employer to cover it. It’s even more difficult to pay those bills if you lose your job. You don’t want to lose your job, and you’re not even sure if your situation qualifies.
If you have an illness or injury that was caused by or during your work, you qualify. There are some cases that you may not even think would qualify, but they entitle you to workers’ comp. If your injury occurred on your lunch break or during a company party or picnic, you may still be entitled. In some cases, even if you were involved in some horseplay and not adhering to safety policies you can still be eligible for workers’ comp. Even preexisting conditions that worsened on the job may qualify. There are a lot of gray areas, and sometimes claimants can be intimidated by the system. A law firm that handles workers’ comp case after case will have the experience that it takes to help you navigate a system that (unfortunately) may not have your best interest in mind.
Why You Need a Workers’ Comp Lawyer
Between insurance companies and employers, there is a tendency to try to find loopholes to not have to pay out. Having a professional that isn’t afraid to hold them accountable is in your best interest.
Some common signs that you need a workers’ comp lawyer are:
Your employer denies your claim
There are many cases where employers will outright deny responsibility, knowing they are liable, to avoid having to pay out. Sure they have insurance to cover it, but they don’t want the hassle or the raised premiums, so they’ll just squash the issue by intimidating you if you let them.
You don’t receive your compensation promptly
If your medical bills are coming in and there’s no sign of your payment, a workers’ comp lawyer can turn up the heat on your employer or the insurance company to get things moving.
Your compensation is not enough to cover all of your expenses
Not only your medical bills should be covered; you’re entitled to be paid for work missed because of your illness/injury. If you’re unable to return to your job, or work at all, you deserve to be taken care of. This is not the kind of payout that will be handed out freely, and it’s something that would be best handled by a workers’ comp lawyer.
Your employer retaliates for your claim
With your back against a wall, some employers will fire you, demote you, cut your hours or pay, or find other ways to discriminate against you in the workplace. Whether to push you out or just to punish you for filing a claim, it’s unacceptable and it’s another reason you need an advocate!
If your employer doesn’t accept responsibility, we will hold them accountable. As soon as you hire us, we will be your advocate, fighting to get your compensation and making sure that it covers all of your losses. We will hold any and all parties responsible so that the burden doesn’t fall on you, and so that you aren’t the one who loses out. Work injuries are bad enough without the threat of having to pay for them out of your own pocket. Don’t make the mistake of getting ripped off because you were afraid to seek help! Contact a Tolbert Beadle workers’ comp lawyer today.