Tolbert Beadle: Staying Safe on Road Trips

Road Trip Safety Tips from Tolbert Beadle

Road trips are awesome experiences where you have the opportunity to go somewhere new with friends or family. Improper preparation for your road trip, however, can leave you stranded and possibly needing the help of an auto accident law firm like Tolbert Beadle. A bit of work before your trip will allow you to enjoy the trip to the fullest extent.

Figure Out Directions Before

Nothing puts a damper on an exciting road trip quite like getting lost. Road trips often take you to new locations where you aren’t familiar with the layout of the city, increasing the likelihood of getting lost. While most of us rely on our phones for directions nowadays, Tolbert Beadle also recommends having printed directions as a backup, just in case.

Get Your Car Checked Out

Cars are machines that need regular maintenance to run at peak performance. Before you take your spring or summer road trip, you should take your car to the auto shop for a check up. Have them check your fluid levels, brakes, tires, and battery to make sure your car is as ready for your adventures as you and your friends are. Should you get in a car accident, a record of your maintenance can help Tolbert Beadle show that your car was not at fault.

Keep Devices Charged

Sometimes, no matter how well you plan, something is bound to go wrong. Don’t add to that stress by having a phone with no charge while you are stranded on the side of the road. If you haven’t already, invest in a car phone charger that you can use while driving in case you need to contact help or look up alternative directions.

Stop and Rest

A majority of auto accidents are caused when one driver was impaired in some way. Many people automatically think of drinking and driving, but driving while tired can be just as dangerous! It is not worth it to risk your life and the lives of the people in the cars around you by driving while exhausted. If you are traveling a very long distance, factor in time spent at a hotel along your route to allow you time to rest and recuperate for the next day’s driving. If you are traveling with a group of people, alternate drivers every few hours to prevent anyone from becoming too tired. Don’t forget to stop and stretch your legs every once and awhile, as well.

Car Accident Advice from Tolbert Beadle

If you’ve been in an accident while on a road trip, Tolbert Beadle can help. Our experienced team of auto accident attorneys have the skills necessary to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. For more information on our law firm and the services we offer, contact Tolbert Beadle online and schedule your consultation today.