Although office jobs are relatively tame and safe, it doesn’t mean you aren’t susceptible to injury if you work in one. There are many office workers who file successful worker’s comp claims due to injuries caused by working at their office.
Today in the Tolbert Beadle, LLC blog, a worker’s comp lawyer explains the risks associated with office jobs and the circumstance in which you might have a case.
Typical Injuries
Of course, even office jobs have the risk of getting the usual physical injuries, such as slipping and falling. If you slip and fall due to an employer’s negligence, you may be eligible for worker’s comp.
For instance, if they haven’t made an effort to make parking lots safe when it’s icy, and you fall, they can be held liable. If floors are left wet or surfaces are uneven, you may fall and hurt yourself. This is another way that you might be injured in an office environment. There’s also always the chance that heavy office equipment can fall on you if it’s not secure.
There are more ways to get hurt in an office than you might think. These are the more obvious reasons you might need a worker’s comp lawyer if you get an injury while working in your office. Let’s look at some of the lesser known examples.
Other Injuries
Carpal tunnel syndrome can happen when you are making the same motions with your wrist over and over again, like when using a mouse or keyboard. It’s an employer’s job to make sure your equipment is ergonomically designed so that this doesn’t happen.
The same goes for office chairs. If the office chairs aren’t designed to be ergonomic, they can cause serious back issues over time.
If you work on a computer, you can have eye strain if you’re not allowed to take breaks. These are all long-term symptoms and issues that can get worse over a period of time.
Also, if your work environment isn’t sanitary, you can get worker’s comp if nothing is done about it and you get ill as a result. These are all scenarios in which you should hire a worker’s comp lawyer to help you find compensation for illness or injury.
Contact a Worker’s Comp Lawyer at Tolbert Beadle, LLC
If you’re in need of a worker’s comp lawyer, trust the expert team at Tolbert Beadle, LLC. When we take your case, we fight to get you the money you deserve. We have helped many people win their worker’s comp cases, and we can help you win yours too. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a worker’s comp lawyer.