A motorcycle accident lawyer that knows the laws that will protect you.
Those who ride or have a loved one who rides motorcycles know to be aware of motorcycles on the road and to drive cautiously around motorcycles. Unfortunately, not everyone is as cautious, and accidents happen. Even collisions at low speeds can be deadly for motorcycle riders unfortunately. However, riding a motorcycle does not mean that you have fewer rights on the road as other drivers. If you’re dealing with claims from a motorcycle accident, be sure to work with a motorcycle accident lawyer to ensure that you are compensated fairly.
Motorcycle riders, just like operators of motor vehicles, are responsible for following traffic laws, driving according to road conditions, and driving with caution in order to avoid injuries. While riding a motorcycle is more of a risk than driving an automobile – motorcyclists are still entitled to compensation for damages to their person and property after an accident. It’s unlikely that in an accident suit involving a normal at-fault sedan and a totaled convertible, the convertible driver would be penalized for driving a car that isn’t as safe. The same should be true for motorcycles.
However, many insurance companies attempt to argue that riding a motorcycle in and of itself puts the rider at fault for the accident. While this may sound ridiculous to you and I, this argument is responsible for cheating the victims of motorcycle accidents out of the compensation they are entitled to. Insurance companies point to statistics showing more frequent injury to motorcycle riders to back up this argument. A good law firm and motorcycle accident lawyer will point to the fact that you are an individual and not a statistic – just because there is a high incidence of personal injury for motorcycle riders does not mean that riding a motorcycle makes you, the individual, at-fault for the reckless driving of another party.
Of course, it is possible that the motorcyclist may be found at fault or partially at fault in an accident. This does not rule out the possibility that the motorcyclist would receive compensation from the other party or the other party’s insurance.
The lawyers at Tolbert Beadle have experience working with motorcycle accidents and have proven their abilities to get the best settlements possible for their clients. They will deal with insurance companies for you to make sure that you get what you deserve according to the law. Intimidation and unfair negotiations won’t slide when you hire an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer from a reputable law firm. You’ve been through enough, let Tolbert Beadle take care of the insurance company for you.
You aren’t responsible for payment for services until you win your case – meaning you can’t afford not to hire a motorcycle lawyer. Let Tolbert Beadle set you up with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney who will stand up for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.