Do Small Business Owners Need Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Small businesses are vital to the United States economy. They sell products and services that we need every day while employing our family and friends. According to the Small Business Administration, there were around 31.7 million small businesses in the U.S. in 2017, making up a large percentage of all business done in the states. […]

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Compensation

Lingering pain from an injury can prevent you from recovery and returning to your routine. If you have complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), you know about the chronic, debilitating pain that can occur after an injury. CRPS affects around 200,000 patients every year in the United States. So what happens if you develop CRPS? What […]

Are Volunteers Covered Under Workers’ Compensation?

Volunteerism is an excellent way for you to serve others in need. Approximately one out of four Americans volunteer. Giving your time and energy towards a worthy cause helps make your community a better place to live.  Unfortunately, accidents happen whenever people volunteer, and if you’ve been injured while helping your local nonprofit, you may […]

An Unlicensed Driver Hit My Car: What Now?

When you drive safely every day to avoid unnecessary risk, and an unlicensed driver hits you, frustration can mount. Once the dust settles on the accident, you may be left with a large amount of property damage and bodily harm. While your situation feels unfair, know that you’re not alone. According to the National Highway […]

Liability Waivers- Can I Pursue Compensation After Signing a Waiver?

While safety is something that we value in our daily lives, we take on risk whenever we participate in fun leisure activities. From playing a softball game to riding a rollercoaster at a theme park, we embrace risk during these activities for our enjoyment. While these ventures can make for great memories, they can also […]

How Do OSHA Violations in the Workplace Affect Workers’ Compensation?

Whenever you need to pursue a workers’ compensation claim to cover lost wages and medical bills, many factors may have led to your injury. One possible cause of your injury is an OSHA violation in the workplace. While the OSHA sets standards for workplaces to be safe, negligent employers or managers may not abide by […]

How Does the Missouri Second Injury Fund Work?

Workplace accidents that cause permanent disability can leave you without work, income or a way to provide for your loved ones. When you finally can get back to work, nothing is more discouraging than having another injury setback. One avenue of aid designed for workers who find themselves in this challenging situation is the Second Injury […]

William Beadle Named a Springfield Business Journal 2020 Trusted Adviser Attorney

We want to congratulate Tolbert Beadle Partner William Beadle, who was named a 2020 Trusted Adviser Attorney by the Springfield Business Journal. The Trusted Adviser award recipients are recognized for being experts in their field who also show genuine care for their coworkers and clients.  William Beadle has displayed excellence in his work in the […]

Living with Nerve Damage: What Should I Do Now?

Nerve damage or a nerve injury from your work can significantly affect your ability to earn income, perform daily tasks and function in social settings. While accidents and injury are a part of the job, nerve damage can last for the rest of your life. Keep reading to learn more about what causes occupational nerve […]

Statute of Limitations for Missouri Auto Accident and Personal Injury

If you’ve been injured in an auto or personal injury accident, you may need to pursue compensation to cover for medical bills or lost wages if you were unable to return from work. You may not realize that you have an injury until weeks or months after the accident occurred. Delayed discovery can cause panic […]