Can I Receive Workers’ Compensation Working from Home?

As cities mandated stay-at-home orders, and employers implemented workplace safety measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in passing months, many American workers performed their occupational tasks remotely. While restrictions have changed throughout the pandemic, many employees remain at home for their work.  These changes happened fast, with little preparation time for employers or […]

Out-of-State Truck Driving Accidents

Out-of-state truck driving accidents and collisions can be detrimental to a driver’s career. Truck drivers are vital to our economy. They help transport goods across the country, usually under time pressure and stressful traffic conditions. While drivers train to drive safely to avoid collisions, they aren’t immune to accidents while on the road. Unfortunately, many […]

How Do I File a Diminished Value Claim?

  The financial implications of an auto accident can be devastating. Repair and medical bills can be burdensome. Even after you repair your car, if you try to sell or trade it in, you will find its value is lower than it would have been before the accident. This is the result of the diminished […]


Missouri Department of Labor has just passed an Emergency Rule 8 CSR 50.5005 Presumption of Occupational Disease for First Responders, which will be in effect until January 2021. This law creates a presumption that if a First Responder contracts the coronavirus, it is presumed to have been caused by their work environment, and they are […]

Workers Compensation and Chemical Exposure

Whenever you go to work, you deserve to have a safe experience. The last thing you want to think about is inhaling, touching or accidentally ingesting a harsh chemical while you are trying to perform your tasks. Regardless of the efforts put forth by your employer in terms of personal protective equipment, safety training and […]

What to Do If You Have to Drive Through Fog

Adverse weather conditions can quickly turn a routine drive into a dangerous one. Fog makes driving more difficult by obstructing the vision of the driver. Whenever you are driving through fog, the visibility of the roadway can vary from several yards to only a few feet in front of your vehicle. Each year in the […]

Winter Weather Occupational Accidents and Injuries

Winter weather can make any outdoor task more difficult. Low temperatures and slick conditions are natural obstacles that you may have to overcome throughout the winter months for your job. If you regularly work in poor weather conditions, it’s a good idea to have a plan to avoid or deal with winter-weather injuries. The latest […]

How Do You Handle an Auto Property Damage Claim?

Getting in an accident can be at worst traumatic and, at best, a significant inconvenience. Even if you do everything you can to be a safe driver, it’s nearly impossible to avoid collision with others on the road. In 2017 there were approximately 6.5 million total vehicle crashes in the United States. These annual accident […]

Avoiding Holiday Drunk Driving

As the holidays roll around, you may find yourself at several social events during the most wonderful time of the year. While it can be fun to partake in the merriment of holiday party drinking, drunk driving never has a happy ending.

How Do I Find a Good Accident Attorney?

Dealing with an accident, especially when it is no fault of your own, is incredibly difficult. It can bring physical, emotional and financial hardship to you and your family. You will have many questions like how will I pay for my medical bills and provide for my family while I can’t work? On top of […]